At IMAR Sistemas we are aware of the constant changes in Foreign Trade, and considering the high number of audits that the SAT can carry out on Importing and/or Exporting companies, as well as the emergence of Electronic Audits of the SAT itself, IMAR SISTEMAS offers the ELECTRONIC AUDIT service within the BUSINESS PEDIMENTO system.
This module allows BUSINESS ORDER CLIENTS to detect irregularities and Self-Correct in their Foreign Trade operations.
Automatically identifies irregularities and omissions in the contributions declared in the customs declarations.
It facilitates compliance with the provisions established by the authority on customs and tax matters.
Allows you to identify high-risk operations; based on the tariff fraction of dangerous goods.
Provides information to avoid possible fines, tax credits, suspension or deregistration of importers.
Facilitates the identification of missing electronic documents in Foreign Trade operations.
It allows you to review and identify that the calculations of the contributions declared in the customs declarations are correct.
Supports the correct tariff classification of goods according to an import and export catalog of each company; validating 100% of the tariff fractions and descriptions of the merchandise; indicating if there is any error when the description or tariff fraction is not the same according to what the Importing and/or Exporting company manages.